Hey Everyone,
So this
weekend we had a really cool release by Forgeworld showing off the new
Mhara Gal Model. Shown off originally during the Weekender that passed
last month this is going to be a really cool model for those who are
word bearers.
lets talk about this beast of a model and its stats. At 235 this model
doesn’t come cheap for points but don’t let that put you off cause these
rules are really going to shock you! This is also a Word Bearers
Exclusive and really fits their whole fallen angels feel with the Gal
Vorbak being released before it. This Daemon also has a nice range of
rules that is going to really shine and also be a bit different for
those already running daemons with their word bearers.
rule up is Shroud of Dark Fire. First thing is any heat, fire, plasma
base which includes Volkite and Fusion is reduced by one strength. Next
is any models with toughness of 7 or less or has an armour value less
then 13, gets -1 one to hit in close combat. Lastly, if it gets an
explode result it’s a massive blast 7” strength 6 AP 5 hit with
soulblaze that counts as a barrage. So this thing just truly a daemon
shrouded in hell fire and will burn you all the way down.
up is the Accursed rule. Now this one is both a boon for and against
your army if your running it. First up all fear tests taken against the
Mhara Gal are -2 leadership roll. In a format where fearless is not
cheap and the marines know fear. Another part is it can never count as
scoring regardless of rules in a detachment or force organization that
would allow it but it counts as a denial unit, not bad. Now the most
interesting is all Daemons, Daemon Special rule or psychic powers of any
kind who are with in 6'' radius take a str 5 AP 2,hit that ignores
cover. This will make the thousand sons cry and any daemon nearby. This
is a beast that doesn't care if friend or foe gets hit so positioning
this is going to be key.
Coming up
next is the Earth Recoils and it has me jumping at what this can do in
game. First up it completely ignores the effects of difficult terrain
and/or dangerous terrain. This part though is the terrifying part, The
Mhara Gal can pass through obstacles up to 1” across with out penalty or
need for an aperture to move through. Now it can’t end its turn inside
an obstacle and there must be sufficient space for this model to be
placed one its done moving . So here we have a monster of a contemptor
that just passes through solid walls and appears like a reaper from the
Last we have the weapon systems. All
of which are made from the hell fires of the empyreal. Now each range
weapon the Mhara Gal can take gains a very cool rule called the Howling
death. Now if it kills a single model from a unit it forces a morale
check, really nice against those giant marine blobs in 30k. Next is with
the close combat weapon which causes success full invulnerable saves to
be re-rolled. So not only does it have rules to scare you but the
weapons to back it up.
So this is the Mhara Gal a
daemon that is a pure nightmare. With rules that shroud it in almost
pure darkness that would make a night lord even cry, to weapons that
will cut even your storm shield equipped terminators to shreds, this is a
unit I think will be must have for word bearers. As always you can find
this rules thankfully provided by Forge world at http://www.forgeworld.co. uk/fwDownloads
Coming up in the next week
in the next week you’re going to see some more army photos finally done
up. Right now I have by my good buddy at Bearbox Studios who is doing
up some tanks for the army. So for the luna wolves 14th company
we will see 4 rhinos and 2 whirlwinds to give my army some mobility as
well as extra fire power. This is a great step and moving towards
getting the army built up fluffy enough for a small 30k campaign game.
Once these get done is going to be some really cool stuff following it that I’ll show off at a later date.
this is what has been going on in the 30k world as well as some of my
project progress. As always, hope you enjoy and stay posted for more 30k
news as well as some great crusade stuff.

General Soban
Signing off till next time
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