Great Crusade

Great Crusade

Monday, 2 March 2015

Sons of Horus

Hey everyone,
So I just wanted to share something kool I saw on the forgeworld blog that has been shown off the last two weeks. They have finally showed off some of the winners and some of the best primarch pictures I’ve seen. Now I just wanted to show a particular painter and his take on the Sons of Horus the 16th Legion something very dear to me.
To show of first is a contemptor with a legion banner.  Really captured the banner shown off in book 1 from forge world.

Next up is Captain Loken, Last of the Luna Wolves and eventual Knight Errant. I love the detail on this and love the cap showing of the Son’s of Horus iconology.

Last but not least the Primarch him self. A different take not in the White of the Luna Wolves or the Black of the Serpent Scales this is done in the Sons of Horus Scheme and man I love it !

So this was done by a wonderful painter Andy Wardle first want to congratulate him for winning at the weekender and also want to thank him for showing this off to the rest of the 30k group. You can find more that showed up at the forgeworld blog at
General Soban 
Signing off till next time

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