Hey Everyone,
I just wanted to talk about my primary project that I will be posting
about on the blog, the Luna Wolves. Out of all the legions this was a
hard choice to make, with Ultramarines, Alpha Legion, and Imperial
Fists, being some of my favorite legions. I picked them after reading
the first 3 books in the Horus Heresy series and loving the rich
characters I found in them as well as the characteristics of the legion
overall. Added bonus! Their leader and Sire was non other than the
traitor Horus!
After picking the legion I wanted, I needed to set some goals of what I
wanted to do and what kind of story I wanted to tell. This was the
other hard part since Forgeworld has already come out with an
impressive line of miniatures and rules that can be used for any part of
the Great Crusade or the Horus Heresy that followed. So in order to
save some cash and time I went with trying to build an Early Great
Crusade Army and slowly build it up to The Heresy.
So let's go over the first ideas for an army and a rough out line of what I want to get.
A Praetor with a paragon blade: To represent the main character of the company I want to make and it's a great looking Model.
Centurions: Want to pick up a few Centurions to be my line officers and some of the secondary consul types.
10 Veterans: A nice Small Veteran Force that can join with the Praetor and the centurions as a nice body guard unit.
40 Tactical Marines: So this is going to be the bread and butter of the army and a key component of any great crusade army.
10 Breacher Marines: Nice unit for a Zone Mortalis board and needed for any boarding actions.
Dedicated Transports
Rhinos: I personally prefer these over drop pods and want to get enough to field 40 marines into combat.
Fast Attack
Eagle: Early Transport and the work horse of any crusade army till the
Thunder Hawk comes out. Also this is cheaper than the new Storm Hawk
that is coming out. ( So want one!)
Heavy Support
Phobus: Want to pick up two of these to represent the companies
heaviest vehicles in it's armory. Not sure when they were released but I
assume it was early great crusade.
Squadron: Want to get a squadron of 3 in the destructor pattern. Works
great in early great crusade and has a lot of anti-infantry fire power
in a nice platform.
Whirlwind Squadron: Nice Light Artillery Piece that can keep up with the rhinos and predators.
I think this is a nice goal for the army to start out. Once painted it
should make for a nice early crusade army. I will be adding to it as
much I can as well as getting as much forgeworld stuff as the wallet can
take, especially the early mark armor.
will also notice that there will be some stuff posted up that is not on
the list since I will be converting some old stuff I had around from
previous marine armies. Another thing I will be doing, for those who
wish to play 40k instead 30k in the club I am a part of, is keeping a
more "Modern" army so that we will be fairly matched.
Hope this will give some insight into what will be showing
up in the coming months for the army and the blog.
General Soban
Signing off till next time 
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