Hey Everyone,
Forgeworld just released the rules for the centurion models that where
released at Warhammer Fest. For those that want to download it you can
find it here at this link Forgeworld Downloads. Now in addition to these rules
they also have 2 consul upgrades for your centurions and I am happily
surprised about what they can do.
Consul: Praevian
for those who love to bring in battle-automata, this is your consul of
choice to bring. With a built in Cortex controller and the new Cortex
Designator, this allows some of the Mechanicum units into a standard
legion army. The Cortex Designator is unique though bringing in a
support option for those shooting battle-automata, giving them preferred
enemy at a unit your consul fires at regardless if that consul does
damage. This is a very powerful addition, making those units much more
effective at range.
this is not all. The next rule shows off something also neat with the
Master of Cybernetics Rule. This forces the consul to join either a
Castellax or Vorax Class Battle-Automata. Now this is big since normally
you can’t have a independent unit join a monstrous creature unit. So
here you have a ok hq hiding with a possible toughness 7 mob of
creatures...... can I say OUCH !!
but not least, the rule that makes this different than your normal
Forgelord. You have the Legion Inductees rule. This gives unit the
consul is attached to either the Legiones Astartes special rule the
consul has or they can take Tank hunters, Scout or Furious Charge. They
also have additional bonuses for some legions with the Raven Guard one
giving this unit Infiltrate and Fleet.....Yeah ok that’s just plain mean
right there but it gives the Ravens some extra oomph.
I think this is going to be a great centurion to add and this makes me want to buy some Battle-Automata to add to the army.
Consul Legion Delegatus
me this was long in the coming but we finally have a consul choice that
allows you to take a rite of war. This is pretty big since in smaller
games, where fitting in legion troops or trying to take a certain rite
of war, it was harder because the Praetor always cost many more points
when kitted out. The added thing with this, since it can pick rites of
war, it also allows armies to gain access to the Legion Command squad
that can give you a nice close combat unit to go with your new consul.
Right here we are already seeing a great change that will affect Zone
Mortalis and those smaller point games.
we have a new rite of war called Chosen Duty. This rite of war can only
be used by the legion Delegatus which allows you to take Legion Veteran
Squads as troops. Its minimal requires you to at least field 2 of these
squads but already you have a nice small veteran force that fits in
with the Delegatus. Next on this Rite of war is if your Delegatus lives
you gain a additional victory point! Athough this is a double edged
sword since if he is slain the opponent gains a additional point on top
of Slain the Warlord . This is going to be a big game changer in those
smaller point games and I can’t wait to try it out on the battlefield.
everyone so here we have 2 new consul types that may change 30k
forever. In addition, we also have more special characters for those
that have either the Ironwarriors or the sneaky Alpha Legion. Last but
not least we have a new rite of war to go with our consul that makes
smaller games that much better. This update that came free from
Forgeworld may change the game in a new fun direction.
hope to see what everyone thinks and maybe see some comments below, I
know I'm excited for this and can’t wait to see what's next.

General Soban
Signing off till next time
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