it’s been a long wait but I have some fun and exciting info coming up
and some new things that are going to be in place for the blog coming
up. Some exciting news is regarding new material and new project plans.
New Member
first thing that is up is my good buddy General Havoc is going to be
helping me out with the blog. He will be adding content as well, being
my partner in crime for the heresy experience. A recent player in both
40k and 30k he started out about a year ago taking his first steps as
Imperial Fist player and will soon be working on his second legion, the
World Eaters. I think this is going to be very interesting since he has a
both a defensive army and one that is going to focus completely on the
according to Havoc he is going to be almost done fully painting his
Imperial Fists and when he does we are going to do the full army post up
here so you can get a change-up. This heavy infantry army is going to
be cool to see and we both hope you enjoy it when it’s up.
have both good news and bad news on this front for the narrative
campaign. First is the main campaign that I want to be worldwide is
going to be pushed back abit while I wait for a few local gamers to
purchase and paint up some minis since the Battle of Calth set was a big
hit locally. Now this is not the end of the campaign and will be next
year for a worldwide campaign. On a bright note I will be doing a fun
narrative one with Jesse hopefully posting the first battle report next
week if everything goes well having the brave 14th Company of Luna Wolves going against his Imperial Fists in a series of grudge matches for some fun and entertainment.
Luna Wolves
as promised I finally got update photos of both the company as well as
some additions to the army that I’ve been dying to show off. A good
friend of mine was able to take a photo of the entire army minus the
Storm Talon.
you can see it really is shaping up to be an armor spear tip which fits
with the narrative and idea I thought about for my legion. The army has
a lot of things I want so far for the legion, with speed and fire power
being pretty fierce and a slow grow of good dedicated anti tank. This
is backed up by a very stable assault force which am finding the 16th Legion shines at. I think there's more I'm going to add to the legion but for now I think its pretty stable.
addition to this I got Abbadon and Loken finally painted by Bearbox
studio and am very happy with how the models turned out. Extra Bonus is I
love Loken in the Luna Wolves Color scheme with Abaddon in the black.
In addition this is going to help me out with
the narratives' ability to field elements of both the 1st and 10th Company of Luna wolves so that’s an extra bonus.
Whats Next?
coming up next on the blog will be taking about army projects and the
gear up of our little narrative campaign. We have Imperial Fists, Luna
Wolves, and World Eaters to talk about soon plus, of course, some Raven
Guard. Hopefully this will get us right on track and we can really get
this going. Last but not least I’ll leave some photos showing the brave
Imperial Fists fighting the Luna Wolves and fighting side by side with
them in 2 battles we fought.

Signing off till next time
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